Founder of ABSTR'ACTION Services
Guillaume SIMONET
Throughout my academic and profesional path, I have been able to grasp the extent of the disconnection between researchers and the territorial stackholders. Among the main obstacles to the implementation of effective responses to climate change, cognitive and organizational barriers are particularly influential on the decision-making processes, canceling technological advances, legislation, economic incentives or awareness campaigns.
Today, many researches show that our way of thinking must be deconstructed and reinvented to avoid serious societal consequences due to climate change. Already, silent movements can be observed in many parts of our globalized society, which is accelerating with the digital revolution.
Imagining a responsible future depends on the cognitive patterns constructed through education (cultural, academic, social), experiences (lived, undergone, chosen) and knowledge acquired (knowledge, know-how, know-how). The way people perceive, behave and organize can be a real obstacle if it is too deeply rooted in a way of thinking that promotes rational aptitudes (linear, analytical, organizational thoughts) rather than others (artistic qualities , creativity, benevolence, long-term vision of the world).
At the organizational level, sharing bad knowledge, filtering information or promoting personal interests to the detriment of common goods is not a way to ensure a future for the next generations. Interdisciplinary work, systemic approach and cooperative interactions are more likely to allow for a collective future.
ABSTR'ACTION Services aims to contribute to these essential changes in political, social and economic decision-making processes in order to better manage the challenges posed by climate change at territorial level.